Dao voted

Dao voted

The KAD DAO is governed by a protocol that allows $KAD governance token holders to propose and vote on different actions, such as changing the DAO's protocol or funding specific projects. These votes are critical to making decisions that shape the future of $KAD and its governance technology.

Types of Votes

There are two types of votes in the KAD DAO:

  1. Community Vote: This is an initial vote used to gauge community interest in a proposal before moving to the next phase. Community Voting takes place within the major communities, and only proposals that have at least 1% of the total $KAD tokens held within the community that can be voted on will move to the Community Voting stage.

  2. Community Vote: If a proposal passes the Community Vote, it will proceed to the Community Vote. This "Call for Votes" is prioritized by the Council based on the proposals that pass the Community Vote, and is open to the public. To be approved, more than 50% of the Votable Tokens voting on the proposal must vote in favor of the proposal; the Underlying Protocol Modification KIP must receive at least 5% of the votes of existing Votable Tokens; and the Operational Proposal KIP must receive at least 3% of the votes of existing Votable Tokens. For a more precise description of the KAD DAO governance protocol, see the KAD DAO Project Charter above.

Token Weighted Voting

The size of the vote you have depends on the number of $KAD tokens you hold.

Values-Based Voting

It is important to note that KAD DAO operates according to a set of values outlined in its charter. These values include decentralization, security, and scalability. When evaluating a proposal, voters should consider whether the proposal is consistent with these values and whether the proposal promotes the interests of the DAO as a whole (as opposed to special interests that do not represent the DAO as a whole).


Voting is an important aspect of KAD DAO governance, allowing token holders to make decisions that shape the future of the DAO. By understanding the different types of votes, your voting rights, and the values that guide the DAO, you can help the DAO make collectively informed and incentive-based decisions.
